

  1. 《总经理》(The General Managers)-1982
  2. 《权力与影响》(Power and Influence)-1985
  3. 《现代企业的领导艺术》-1988
  4. 《变革的力量:领导与管理的差异》(A Force for Change)-1990
  5. 《企业文化与经营业绩》(Corporate Culture and Performance)-1992
  6. 《新规则》(The New Rules)-1995
  7. 《领导变革》(Leading Change)-1996
  8. 《松下领导学》(Matsushita Leadership)-1997
  9. 《领导究竟应该做什么》(What Leaders Really Do)-1999
  10. 《组织动态学》
  11. 《企业成功转型8步骤》
  12. 《废墟中站起的巨人》
  13. 《哈佛74年毕业生》
  14. 《变革之心》(The Heart of Change)-2002
  15. 《冰山在融化》(Our Iceberg is Melting)-2006

2.Kotter指出的8个Key Errors以及对应的Solutions[1]

  • Key Errors:
  1. Allow too much complacency
  2. Fail to create a powerful guiding coalition
  3. Under-estimate the power of ‘vision’
  4. Under-communicate the vision by a factor of 10(or 100, 1000…)
  5. Permit obstacles to block the new vision
  6. Fail to create enough short-term wins
  7. Declare victory too soon
  8. Neglect to anchor/ embed changes firmly in the organisational culture
  • 对应的Solutions:
  1. Establish a sense of urgency (show people the problem)
  2. Create a strong guiding coalition
  3. Develop a vision and a strategy
  4. Communicate the vision
  5. Empower broad-based action
  6. Generate short-term wins
  7. Consolidate gains, then produce more change
  8. Anchor/embed new approaches in the culture